We have always fully realized the many responsibilities attached to publishing a business journal. And, though it is physically impossible to act as judge and jury in the thousands of transactions initiated through the advertising columns of SURPLUS RECORD, we have been extremely vigilant in the selection and acceptance of advertising.
From time to time we are made more mindful of our responsibilities because of the methods of a group of “hit and run” operators who form a very small minority in the surplus equipment industry.
These sharpshooters are to be found in any field, and our industry is no exception.
They specialize in misrepresentation, which is tantamount to robbery, burglary or embezzlement. These sharpies know all the angles, and protect themselves with the knowledge that the average businessman can spare neither time nor expense to prove deliberate misrepresentation in court.
We are usually of a mind to ignore these characters who bring a cloud of indignity over the entire industry, but when they offer to advertise we take particular pleasure in administering a brush-off and a stiff arm to underline our stand against malpractice and misrepresentation where used and rebuilt equipment is concerned.
The record of our advertisers speaks well for itself, and during our 25 years of service we have learned that the overwhelming majority in our industry consists of sincere businessmen whose probity stands unquestioned in every industry in the country. In the past quarter century we have had less than a half dozen cases of misleading advertising brought to our attention, and with a lone exception, these situations were adjusted to the satisfaction of all concerned. Should further affirmation of the dignity of our industry be needed, turn to page 30 of this issue for a progress report demonstrating the established position of used and rebuilt equipment in the industrial picture today.
Meanwhile, we give SURPLUS RECORD readers our assurance of continued vigilance in choosing and accepting advertising, and we will welcome, at any time, all suggestions or complaints relating to matters along this line.