We frequently report in this column the fact that certain large corporations have found it good business and economy to purchase surplus and rebuilt machinery. Recently it has come to our attention that one of the largest manufacturing corporations in the world, extensive buyers of machine tools and precision instruments, have issued standing instructions to their executives in charge of purchasing and specifications of installations that where practical the surplus machinery markets must be exhausted before they may purchase new machinery from manufacturer. This practice of economy on the part of some large corporations should be of interest to the smaller manufacturer who is rather hesitant either through lack of knowledge of machinery or confidence in his judgment to purchase used or rebuilt machinery for his plant.
Among The Dealers
New bulletins published—News of large purchases—Additions and changes in plants and organizations.
Copies of literature described in this department may be obtained by writing to the company publishing the literature or to SURPLUS RECORD.
Beg Your Pardon
In the April issue of Surplus Record it was erroneously reported that the Clapp, Riley & Hall Equipment Company had taken over the entire assets of the H. Kleinhans Company of Pittsburgh. Last year the H. Kleinhans Company sold practically all of their machinery for liquidating purposes but did not dispose of any of the good will or interest of their company. The H. Kleinhans dealers in railroad and contractors’ equipment have offices in the Union Trust Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Harry Kleinhans is president.
Michigan Surplus Materials Co., Announce Change in Name
The Michigan Surplus Materials Co., 534 W. Congress St., Detroit, announces that the company hereafter will be known as the M. Prussian Machinery Co. The business will be conducted under the same management as in the past.
Gregory Bargain Sheet
The Gregory Electric Company, Chicago, has just published its May Bargain Sheet of electrical equipment. The electrical buyer will find these fifty-two pages of bargains contain many good buys in motors, generators, transformers, etc. The sheet gives a description and the price of each machine offered.
Eastern Machinery May Stock List
The May Stock List of the Eastern Machinery Co., 410 E. Pearl St., Cincinnati. O., is now ready for mailing. Five hundred machine tool bargains are included in this list which gives a good description of the shapers and planers, milling machines, drills, lathes, grinders, gear cutters, etc., listed