If the volume of advertising in the February issue of SURPLUS RECORD is any criterion of what the Used Machinery Industry thinks of future business one’s worries should cease. The issue contained more pages of advertising than any single number since the inception of the publication fourteen years ago.
During the past few years the Industry has enjoyed a greater volume of business than at any time in its history. When one observes the increase and improvement in rebuilding plants and warehousing facilities he realizes the rapid strides which are being made throughout the entire field. There is hardly a concern dealing in used machine tools, electrical equipment, power plant equipment and other types of industrial machinery that has not enlarged its scope of operation.
All this means that the machinery user recognizes more and more the savings made possible by the purchase of reconditioned equipment. During the period when production schedules were at a peak and could only be maintained by additions to machinery line the Used Machinery Industry was of great service to the Manufacturing Industries. These demands were fulfilled only because the dealer in used machinery was prepared to handle them.
It is obvious that a piece of industrial equipment can be reconditioned or completely rebuilt in far less time than it takes to manufacture it, but the service to the user does not begin there. The machinery rebuilder first must have the machine on hand, or available. This means that a constant search has to be made for replacement in an ever-changing stock.
The Used Machinery Industry is better equipped today than ever before. The demand for reconditioned equipment and machinery is constantly increasing. The wise buyer will make his plans accordingly.