How often we have heard this expression during the past few weeks just prior to and immediately after January 1st. It is a good expression or it would not have survived through the past years down to the present time.
With each new year as measured from January 1 to December 31, business takes a new hold upon itself and affairs pertaining to it and sets forth to accomplish afresh. It is good to have such a day or hour or minute when a new leaf can be turned over and a fresh start made.
Individuals and firms often take advantage of this page turning event to make resolutions. Rarely are these carried out in full during the twelve months. This can almost always be attributable to drastic or impossible resolutions. Such should not be made. Sensible practical ideas based upon good business principles are commendable resolutions.
Let the resolution of manufacturers and others possessing surplus machinery and equipment be. “I will not let my idle equipment rust away its usefulness during 1926.