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Precision and Second Operation Lathes in Arizona


12" x 20" Monarch #10EE, Toolroom Lathe

Peterson Machinery Sales | Casa Grande, AZ
Seller: Peterson Machinery Sales
Location: Casa Grande, AZ
Mfr: Monarch
Model: 10EE
12" x 20" Monarch Mdl. 10EE Toolroom Lathe.

12.5" x 20" Monarch #10EE, Toolroom Lathe, 7-1/2" swing over cross slide, 100-1000 RPM, 3 HP

Peterson Machinery Sales | Casa Grande, AZ
Seller: Peterson Machinery Sales
Location: Casa Grande, AZ
Mfr: Monarch
Model: 10EE
Monarch Model. 10 EE Toolroom Lathe, Swing over bed. 12 1/2", Swing over cross slide. 7 1/2", Distance between Centers.20 ", Distance, spindel center to floor.45 1/2", Floor Space. 29" W x 64" L, Spindle Hole.25/32", Spindle Nose.D-1 3", Spindle Speeds.100-1,000 RPM, Main Drive Motor.3 ...more

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Precision lathes are high-accuracy machines used for fine, detailed work requiring tight tolerances and smooth finishes, often in industries like aerospace and watchmaking. Second operation lathes, also known as capstan or turret lathes, are used in mass production to perform additional machining tasks on already partially machined parts, allowing for efficient and repetitive operations without extensive retooling.